The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 16th, 2015

I had 99 problems, so I hashed them into 1.

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@kristovatlas If a miner solves a block before they can process the last block and remove those txs from their mempool, for one.

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@kristovatlas Are you saying the F2Pool -> AntPool is recurring? Empty blocks still happen fairly regularly.

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@dlogemann @kristovatlas @TradeBlock certainly possible, or their node might have crashed at some point and lost the mempool.

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@JonathanVaage I have heard a few whispers about “mempool sharing” as a scalability concept but can’t find any info on it.

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@JonathanVaage No need for consensus, though it’s helpful to know the outstanding txs to gauge block contention.

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Current mempool size (unconfirmed transactions) according to:
Blocktrail: 135,000
Statoshi: 133,000
TradeBlock: 46,000

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RT @kristovatlas: I wrote a new blog post containing a few thoughts about conflicts of interest and Bitcoin development.…

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@pierebel There is definitely a “Goldilocks zone”

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Too few UTXOs and a Bitcoin wallet can’t make multiple txs that get reliably confirmed.
Too many UTXOs and it may struggle selecting them.

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