The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 2020

@GrennHouseGas You should delete your account and try again. You managed to misspell your own name.

via Twitter for Android in reply to GrennHouseGas

@richardhilger @PeterMcCormack @Excellion @alansilbert Please stop tagging me in your conversation with this @loop character.

via Twitter for Android in reply to richardhilger

Whoa there, cowboy! If you’re gonna tax a microtasker for earning a few bucks worth of bitcoin then you’d best be t…

via Twitter for Android

@BtcCrash @danheld @krakenfx Are you saying I can finally get paid to shill btc

via Twitter for Android in reply to BtcCrash

@zackvoell @laurashin Neat; how many of them are stored in single points of failure?

via Twitter for Android in reply to zackvoell

@BrianLockhart Good point. We don’t want folks buying dust, after all.

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@danheld @krakenfx Are you saying I could get paid to tweet

via Twitter for Android in reply to danheld

@jimmysong IDK if I can eat 🍿 for another 3 months

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RT @CoinDesk: IN DEPTH: An early #Bitcoin miner many researchers believe to be Satoshi used an advanced mining algorithm in Bitcoin’s infan…

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Hope: if you HODL BTC some day you’ll be rich.
Woke: anyone who HODLs BTC is already wealthier than most people can fathom.

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It’s my pleasure to announce a 100,000,000:1 split of bitcoin. You can now buy 8,522 units for a mere $1!

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RT @J9Roem: Having trouble keeping up with news and developments related to #Bitcoin privacy? I write a monthly newsletter to do just that.…

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RT @lopp: Every time Bitcoin “dies”

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Broke: bitcoin mining is boiling the oceans.
Woke: bitcoin mining is reducing global warming.

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@orionwl old school🧒‍🌾

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If you look around while farming and can’t find the fertilizer, you might be the fertilizer.

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@CoinDesk @Sebsinclair1989 Congratulations on falling for his standard trap of being bombastic in hopes of getting…

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@SQLInterstellar I prefer 5GHz backed by fiber, though VPN is usually a bottleneck.

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Most Bitcoin evangelists are small timers preaching to the choir. Bitcoin’s greatest marketers are central bankers.

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@bergealex4 @INXLimited By expanding the use cases I expect it will result in more on ramps to crypto. Most folks d…

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zerohedge The Fed now owns a total of 22,913 different securities according to Bloomberg. It is the world’s biggest investor

via TweetDeck (retweeted on 2:52 PM, Aug 30th, 2020 via Twitter for Android)

@matthew_d_green You gotta get that raw feed, though Twitter will keep switching you back to their algorithm when you least expect it.

via Twitter for Android in reply to matthew_d_green

@nic__carter @INXLimited Taconomics sounds like a delicious course of study.

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RT @CasaHODL: Imagine keeping $15,000,000 in a single point of failure. Casa fixes this.

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Thoughts on the recent controversy surrounding @INXLimited

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OK but how can I short this and bet that y’all are gonna get rekt?

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Still waiting for the “Bitcoin community” to figure out how to beef on Twitter with the $₪I₮€₼I₦ community.

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@balajis You can 3D print a drone and mount a 3D printed gun on it.

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@PeterMcCormack @aantonop Hey man, uh, your xpub is showing…

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@mapofcoinscom are you still maintaining your web site?

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@laudeam FYI the SSL cert for has expired

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There is nothing government can give us that it hasn’t already taken from us.

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Preview of @elonmusk’s next generation @Tesla fast battery swap system.

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@Bit_Fink I always keep a few % in traditional assets. 😏

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RT @franfinney: I am very, very happy about the @bitcoinmagazine fundraiser in honor of #HalFinney to help find a cure for ALS! Here is the…

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@CGDMedici D’oh, I knew I’d forget some. It’s certainly not bitcoin.

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A few things that are not bitcoin:
all exchange IOUs
Robinhood BTC
Revolut BTC

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In order to successfully self custody, you’d better eliminate single points of failure with extreme prejudice.

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@oscpacey Yeah, if the users are paying the on-chain fees why bother?

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It’s incredibly irresponsible to invest 100% of your money in one asset class, as this creates a single point of fa…

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@TimerOlde Yeah, it’s tricky because many users probably don’t even know that they’re paying higher fees than necessary.

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You should be highly skeptical of the engineering skills and business priorities of Bitcoin wallets / exchanges / s…

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RT @eric_lombrozo: Today, “money” is basically just arbitrary numbers stored on computers and authorities who get to decide which accounts…

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“We’re going to help more people get employed by decreasing the value of their wages.”

- Central Bankers

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“The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breache…

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@notsofast @ErikVoorhees @androolloyd This is fine. ‘member Mircea Popescu’s cult? The #bitcoin-assets / La Serenis…

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The framework has changed. Pray that they do not change it any further.

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@the_bitcoin_cpa I’m not here to tell people what they want to hear.

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@zeropassio @the_bitcoin_cpa I’m not making any arguments about a specific situation.

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The first step toward freedom is realizing that you are a slave.

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@TPMinventor Indeed, it can be risky to leave the safety of the herd. It can also be highly rewarding.

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@shaftab No biggie, I only block accounts that I believe are trying to directly harm my followers.

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@AriDavidPaul @PeterMcCormack When network effects incentivize narrative building, what else would you expect?

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There is one form of servitude to which almost everyone is subjected: servitude to the public opinion, to the arbit…

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@cryptonadafomo @DMN737 Hard forking is always an option. Then the attacker would be on a network by themselves.

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@DMN737 @cryptonadafomo Weight = cumulative PoW.

Longest chain is a flaw from the very early days that Satoshi corrected in 2009 IIRC.

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@DMN737 @cryptonadafomo Chain length is meaningless.

Chain weight is what determines the best chain.

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@cryptonadafomo It’s the accumulation of all the work from all the block hashes.

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@cryptonadafomo And rewrite the entire chain? No; every bitcoin node checks the cumulative proof of work of the ent…

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@cryptonadafomo You seem to be referring to an often overblown attack that would require rewriting years of PoW and…

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@VegasTopPicks Short term price stability is not one of Bitcoin’s strengths.

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The unfortunate truth is that Bitcoin’s strengths shine strongest when the world is at its darkest.

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@kyletorpey You just described Twitter’s chief user engagement strategy.

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RT @CtrlPew: I now accept bitcoin at and I’m running my own instance of BTCPay Server for all your kyc concerns. (S…

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@wullon @_jonasschnelli_ The short version is that the platform is generally irrelevant when it’s a security token…

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@_jonasschnelli_ And if the company changes to a different platform in the future, do I regain my ethos and integri…

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@_jonasschnelli_ False. I never advised anyone to use Ethereum; it had already been determined by the time I was br…

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@_jonasschnelli_ Because there’s no shame in receiving options in return for your work. I’ve accepted options from…

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@shaftab @CasaHODL Been there, done that. Not keen to revisit.

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@fst_nml @_jonasschnelli_ If I’m broke, how am I sponsoring a dozen Bitcoin developers? 🤷‍♂️

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@_jonasschnelli_ I accepted the advisory role well before any promise of tokens, though I realize I can’t prove my…

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Bitcoin HODL strength is increasing; accumulation addresses have exceeded the 2018 peak. Accumulation addresses are…

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@HavMercyBaby @jillruthcarlson No. Jill is spot on when it comes to the ever-increasing complexity of the crypto ec…

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@TimmyPIB It’s certainly possible that a breakthrough in computing will break the crypto used for old P2PK addresse…

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@Knalpaard General estimates around 4M though you can debate whether or not the Patoshi coins should be included.

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More bitcoins have been lost in the past 10 years than will be found in the next 100 years.

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@DanDarkPill @udiWertheimer He demanded we launch on Tron but Justin wasn’t willing to play ball.

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@BitcoinCarl_ @ErikVoorhees Exactly. I think a lot of folks are missing that aspect. Thus the security properties o…

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@factcheckmypost @jillruthcarlson Can’t help you there, deleted my facebook account years ago!

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25 years ago you couldn’t even buy stuff online. Today you can watch folks like @achow101 building the future of mo…

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@CobraBitcoin @CasaHODL I accepted Alan’s request to advise INX before any promise of tokens. I’d do it again for f…

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@jillruthcarlson The knowledge barrier to get into bitcoin has never been lower.

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@wi11iam_t @pierre_rochard @MorgenRochard It’s weird to ask a certified financial planner about financial planning?

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@ErikVoorhees We’re going to need more descriptive terms. I believe Toxic Bitcoin Supremacist was what I was using.…

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@InPHARMaticist @KalaraBonello My most recent round of tests was just a few weeks ago.

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@djbooth007 @Bilthon @TheVladCostea Indeed, I don’t have issues signing up for AML/KYC services 😇

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@jimmysong Folks don’t understand that INX started their regulatory gauntlet nearly 3 years ago. At the time Ethere…

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@jimmysong In general, no. Though in this one specific case due to the timing, yes.

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@sundaywar @intangiblecoins The share is guaranteed by the terms of the prospectus. Obviously if cash flow is negat…

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@hodlonaut Don’t put words in my mouth.

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@Cryptowhore I think it’s the best form of money today and will be difficult to surpass. But that doesn’t stop me f…

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@Th3Acist @CobraBitcoin False, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve “become a shitcoiner” over the years. 🤣

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@CobraBitcoin This has been public information for over a year and is a part of the prospectus that anyone consider…

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@deejfi @bneiluj The share is guaranteed; the amount of cash flow of course, is not. Read the prospectus.

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@bneiluj I’m neither recommending investment nor is it an ICO 😂

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@SGBarbour Auditability & ability to transfer p2p. Not for censorship resistance.

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@Bitcoin_Lobby @hodl_american @btcmoonguy @crypt0e Once again, I don’t even know what that means. There is no cohes…

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@hodl_american @btcmoonguy @crypt0e I don’t even know what you’re talking about; I suspect a lot of the outrage is…

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@hodl_american @btcmoonguy @crypt0e Oh shit you got me; I invested tens of dollars and tens of minutes running that…

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@btcmoonguy @hodl_american @crypt0e Folks are free to believe that. I never invested in Grin, but I can’t prove to…

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@hodl_american @crypt0e I’ve been interested in MW since 2016.

I never advised anyone to buy MW based coins.

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@senutocryon Completely agree! Thankfully this token is not attempting to be money.

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@lightcoin @alansilbert @wullon @RSKsmart The fact that it didn’t exist when the regulatory process began.

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@DanDarkPill You could have stayed on vacation for another week, Dan. You know how slowly regulators move!

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@lightcoin @alansilbert @wullon @RSKsmart Technically possible. Harder from a regulatory standpoint.

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It seems somewhere along the way a certain sect of Bitcoin Maximalism branched off and became not just “anti shitty…

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@ogkrb I accepted this advisory role when Alan asked me years ago, well before any promise of tokens was made.


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@lex_node I’ll grant you that the tweet could be interpreted differently than I meant it, but I’ve found that to be…

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@lex_node Good luck redeeming INX tokens for equity in INX Limited 😉

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I wish the folks who were claiming last week that I support Twitter being an adversarial / toxic environment could…

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@DanDarkPill Oh noes, now everyone will know that you’re Joeri Pross!

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“A dream you dream alone is only a dream. A dream you dream together is reality.”

- John Lennon

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@Anders_ @Blockstream Liquid didn’t exist at the time that the regulatory process began. As I’ve mentioned to a var…

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@DeepBlueCrypto I already answered that question: because it’s not a censorship resistant token. It’s ultimately co…

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@MatiasTrader The terms of this security token are incredibly explicit; what do you find to be a scam?

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@DeepBlueCrypto Primarily because this token specifically does not require censorship resistance; it could actually…

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@yunier2002 @CasaHODL If you wish to avoid KYC then you should not buy tokens that require KYC; I figured that was…

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Don’t conflate permissionless altcoins that try to compete with bitcoin to this, a regulated security token for a s…

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@MsHodl I think of the token as a means to having ownership on a decentralized database. The specific platform is i…

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@wsheap The share is outlined in the prospectus. The amount of cash flow is not guaranteed.

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@yunier2002 @CasaHODL Oh? What’s your logic there? INX is a completely different entity than Casa.

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@antiprosynth Be nice or we’ll raise your gas price.

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@1blockologist @sanjeev_r11 Fair enough, I’m not a lawyer nor was I involved in the regulatory process. It’s probab…

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@MsHodl It enables non-accredited investors to get exposure to crypto exchange cash flows. It’s kind of like $BNB e…

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@MortenVikene Unfortunately the regulators did not approve of making those numbers public.

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@yegorpetr0v Yep! Nice to see the culmination of years of hard work; props to the INX team for persevering through the SEC gauntlet.

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@SDLerner @RSKsmart The process began so many years ago that I doubt RSK was considered at the time.

From a techni…

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INX is legit.
Version: Bitcoin-…

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@Crypt0H0lic Yep, Bitcoin is too resistant to censorship. 😏

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@PhABCD Correct; the token itself is pretty restricted due to the regulatory aspects.

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@bitcrono I’ve been advising INX for several years.

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Not an equity offering.
Not yo’ mama’s ICO.
A guaranteed share of cash flow.

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There are many mysteries behind the Patoshi pattern, but the more we learn about it the stronger the evidence becom…

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Patoshi almost never mined blocks less than 5 min apart.

This pattern was revealed by @SDLerner in a recent articl…

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This is a terribly ignorant take.

Did Patoshi run an optimized miner? Yes, looks like it.

Did they use it to “fas…

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On Thursday the Federal Reserve is expected to detail a set of measures aimed at pushing inflation higher. The exit…

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Ponzi schemes tend to collapse when they run out of suckers buying in.

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@brucefenton Yeah that plastic will make cleaning up the mess a lot less work!

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he typed away on the laptop

spooled up the fan in a box on the desk…

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The real flippening is when financial advisors realize they’re going to get fired for NOT recommending bitcoin.

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RT @cgimmer: Given everything going on in the global economy, we began accumulating #Bitcoin starting in March and holding it as a reserve…

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INXLimited INX Limited Announces Effectiveness of Security Token IPO

via Twitter Web App (retweeted on 8:38 AM, Aug 24th, 2020 via Twitter Web App)

Velocity of total supply and of one-year active supply (i.e. the supply that has been transacted at least once with…

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RT @pwuille: A summary of my thread on multisignatures, in a more meme-compatible format.

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RT @CasaHODL: A timely reminder from @CasaHODL’s own @BookofNick that you don’t actually “hold” bitcoin in your wallet.

You hold something…

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@_Innovation_ It’s a command line tool but not particularly complicated to use.

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@Bird8880 With a high end GPU it’s probably less than a dollar of electricity.

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@CryptoTrollll It took me over a week though it was 6 years ago on a midrange GPU. I bet my GeForce RTX 2060 could…

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@MickyMax777 Similar to how bitcoin blocks are “mined” by brute forcing a ton of different nonces against the block…

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280 characters is not enough room for a PGP signed message, but can be used for short Bitcoin signed messages.


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Proof of work!
Version: Bitcoin-qt (1.0)

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@WhalePanda Whenever someone tweets about yield farming I simply swap out “yield” with “risk” and re-read it.

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Bookmarking this court case for the next time someone says it’s fine to leave bitcoin with a custodian because you…

via Twitter for Android is an excellent new project from @mitDCI that I expect will result in some interesting disc…

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