The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 1st, 2015

@acityinohio Central bankers… central developers…

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@paxful @rogerkver Not censoring people is hard work, I tells ya! Note that /r/bitcoin had to add a bunch of mods

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@rogerkver We’re nearly 12,000 strong in and it has been going great; glad to have you on board!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to rogerkver

The charts are indicating that a new stress test on mainnet may have started an hour ago. Check out those sigops:

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@BlockCypher You’re not broken, but seem to be struggling to stay caught up; currently over 400 blocks behind.

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@BitPay Looks like the load was too great; now your testnet explorer has crashed.

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@BitPay Side note: due to how you refresh data on the dashboard widget, sometimes screenshots come out blank:

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@BitPay The ‘recent blocks’ widget on doesn’t seem to be able to handle block storms.

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@MyceliumCom Your testnet servers appear to be down, probably due to the current block storm.

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Bunker down, blockchain processors; another testnet block storm is upon us. Difficulty has reset to 1 and blocks are arriving by the second.

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RT @bridge21inc: Seven reasons a vote for BIP100 is a bad idea:

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@kristovatlas Just thought it might be interesting given that TBTC has no discernible market value.

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By my very rough estimates, at 0.5 J/GH & $0.08 / kWh & 1.3M difficulty, it currently costs about half a penny to mine a bitcoin on testnet.

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In which a group of developers claims to defend permissionless innovation while requesting innovators ask permission

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@least_nathan @JustusRanvier @kristovatlas The ability to reliably orphan blocks would require a majority of the network hash power. $$$$$$$

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slush_pool Captain speaking again with some news……

via Facebook (retweeted on 12:43 PM, Sep 1st, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

@ShawnElliott @mikestable It’s important to be able to prioritize where your computational power is being spent.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ShawnElliott

Cryptography dramatically decreases the cost of security, allowing us to create assets that are outside the reach of many forms of coercion.

via Twitter for Android

@BitfuryGeorge @gavinandresen Note that my node is connected to ~120 peers (very high) and still uses avg of < 10 KB/S down and 100 KB/S up.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to BitfuryGeorge