The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 11th, 2018

@Jamyye @blockchan101 You can learn about the 2013 consensus failure here:

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Q: How does Bitcoin work?
A: It works well and is constantly being improved!

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Nerds tend to underestimate the time saving value of their knowledge and drive.

“Why would you pay hundreds of dol…

via Twitter for Android

@DanDarkPill Classic case of confusing conviction with religion.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to DanDarkPill

@paulvigna @CNNMoney I converted my IRA into BTC after the MTGOX crash. At one point it was down 60%. But my invest…

via Twitter for Android

@Maverik877 If you think the only victims were those who died, you missed the point.

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17 years ago 19 assholes launched an asymmetric attack on US infrastructure. #NeverForget what we gave up in capitu…

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