The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

November 15th, 2017

@VinnyLingham I recommend going with your heart and HODLing what you believe in.

via Twitter for Android in reply to VinnyLingham

@APompliano It’s a basic building block of Bitcoin!

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@mikerelentless @BitcoinClashic It’s not about being “right” or “wrong” - of course you can scale the system vertic…

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@TuurDemeester Good catch! You should submit a pull request 😀

via Twitter Web Client in reply to TuurDemeester

@skywalker23452 As a user you shouldn’t have to consciously do anything but update your wallet. Your wallet devs sh…

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Those who fail to learn from cryptohistory are doomed to repeat it. Newcomers may begin their lessons at…

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@mikerelentless @QcanApp @BitcoinClashic Because dogmatic appeals to authority are ridiculous. Argue for your own vision.

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hnisimasu Single-molecule movie of DNA search and cleavage by CRISPR-Cas9.

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 10:34 AM, Nov 15th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

*whispers softly*
@BitcoinClashic is the real Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin that follows Satoshi’s Vision”

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‘Member 6 months ago when we were told Emergent Consensus was going to take over Bitcoin? Consensus has emerged.…

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@EdwardKerstein Because large volume senders such as Coinbase and have not adopted it yet.

via Twitter for Android in reply to EdwardKerstein