The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

November 30th, 2016

@BTCarchitect @BitcoinBelle Quite a few; we could use more user friendly tools for creating non-custodial multi-user backups.

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@BTCarchitect @BitcoinBelle Use a multi-sig scheme with distributed keys and explain how it works in your will.

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@khannib Also possible, and they may or may not broadcast. Extremely low fee txns could be broadcast but not propagate.

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“Encryption will be the key to the survival of individualism in the coming Authoritarian future.” - @abarisser

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@cane_jean Certainty of inclusion / protection against volatile fee rate market.

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@cane_jean Some mining pools offer private APIs that you can access to send transactions directly to them, bypassing the need to broadcast.

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One reason I suspect more transactions are being mined privately is that Statoshi is showing more surges of new txn…

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We could use more insight into the effects that private miner APIs / out-of-band transaction fee markets are having upon network.

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A chart I’d like to see: # of transactions & amount of block size space taken up by transactions that weren’t seen as unconfirmed.

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