The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 24th, 2015

RT @CrimeADay: 25 USC §500i & 25 CFR §243.7(b) make it a federal crime for a non-Alaskan native to take a reindeer and ever bring it back t…

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There will never be more than 2,099,998,977,921,182 satoshis. It might make sense just to get some in case Bitcoin catches on.

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@BitfuryGeorge @BitFuryGroup Almost, but not quite there because some old coinbases didn’t collect entire subsidy.

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A guide for developing Statoshi and exposing internal Bitcoin node metrics to the world:

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@JVWVU1 @HoboJerk @el33th4xor I was referring to a broader concept of not wanting to exclude people in countries with crappy internet.

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