The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

November 6th, 2014

@mikestable @google removed SCM videos b/c they eat a bag of dicks. Thankfully @liveleak gives no fucks. NEW VIDEO!

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@SHodyEsq This is a legitimate use case for pseudonymous cryptocurrency. :-P

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Fascinating that the (alleged) Dread Pirate Roberts keeps operating within the borders of the United States. Seems like a terrible idea.

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The Dread Pirate Roberts can be captured; the Dread Pirate Roberts can be killed. But the Dread Pirate Roberts cannot be stopped.

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NewYorkFBI Operator of Silk Road 2.0, Blake Benthall, arrested yesterday by FBI agents in San Francisco, CA

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@Shadesh @el33th4xor @edouardb_ It’s not a data center by any stretch of the imagination - it’s a cobbled-together mining farm.

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@el33th4xor Bitcoin user unaffected :-)

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