The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

September 26th, 2018

RT @NicolasDorier: I just published “BTCPay Server is growing!”

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RT @alexbosworth: If you’re using to check the validity of incoming funds you should consider that they accepted a…

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@wpalczynski @francispouliot_ @giacomozucco When you lose enough sleep due to the ongoing operational nightmare, “d…

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@wpalczynski @francispouliot_ @giacomozucco Maybe because it’s a security nightmare and they have been tasked with…

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@buttha Just a little countertrolling 🙃

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@DariushPourzand @MateTokay If I wanted to humiliate the person in question, I would not have removed their name an…

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Brainstorming a permanent name for “The B” - which do you prefer?

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@peterktodd Even lamer, I mostly annoyed them by asking if they had a bitcoin strategy.

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@peterktodd Scaled from 15 to 300 employees and sold for $200,000,000 ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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@baggins_crypto @MateTokay You’re quite welcome; be sure to pay it forward.

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@peterktodd I’m gonna apply Occam’s Razor on this one. I have a pretty good idea how marketers operate, having spen…

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@MateTokay Time is the most precious resource - I’m not going to spend it contributing to any projects with which I…

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This is what happens when you hire an inept PR firm to promote your event. They spam all Bitcoin Core contributors…

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100% of profits from sales at will be directed to the @grinMW development fund. 33% discoun…

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@hivedotone @woltemade Nope, it just times out for me.

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@CryptoPietje is a wrapper page that isn’t owned by me; for https you need to go directly to

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Please submit your favorite high quality educational resources about crypto economics for inclusion on…

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@cyber_hokie @gurutooyou @ercwl @BitMEXResearch There is, but it’s not really quantifiable. Once you start trying t…

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@ercwl @BitMEXResearch Yes, it’s similarly arguable that 0.15 and 0.16.3 were “potential ___ forks” but that in practice they are no-ops.

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@ercwl @BitMEXResearch Their own definition states “Existing nodes are required to upgrade to follow the hardforked…

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@cyber_hokie @gurutooyou @ercwl @BitMEXResearch And yet there are no “the rules” - I could deploy the patch describ…

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@TotalBuzzKit @ercwl @BitMEXResearch It comes down to what the code is validating. Some validations are positive (e…

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@ercwl @BitMEXResearch Example: a Bitcoin implementation could release a new version that includes a patch with the…

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@ercwl @BitMEXResearch The term “hard fork” is used to indicate an incompatible fork of the chain itself. We may ne…

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@AWSSecurityInfo FYI your “troubleshoot” docs link is broken

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Bitcoin exchange rate volatility is reaching new lows not seen in over a year.

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@AWSSecurityInfo Please add support for other U2F devices like @trezor and @ledgerhq. Also can you please add suppo…

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AWS finally adds U2F 2FA support… but only for @yubico. Please add @Trezor & @LedgerHQ devices @AWS!

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