The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

May 29th, 2017

@el33th4xor But it’s such a trustworthy face!

via Twitter for Android

@bendavenport If it’s heavier, you just get that extra energy usage back during regenerative braking, right?

via Twitter for Android in reply to bendavenport

@bendavenport Cutting edge armor can be acquired for a mere 1,000 pound weight gain… 20% gain on the high end model S.

via Twitter for Android in reply to bendavenport

Is it also odd that the ticket purchase was conducted in BTC rather than ETH?

via Medium

Bitcoin Barons shouldn’t drive Lambos / Ferraris. They should be autopiloted by Teslas w/ level IV armor & hardened circuitry. Cyberpunk AF.

via Twitter Web Client

lopp Truth be TODL
Many Bitcoiners SODL
Or didn’t store CODL
You should break the MODL
And straight up HODL

via Twitter Web Client (retweeted on 7:07 PM, May 29th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)

@thijstriemstra @ErikVoorhees Indeed, organized aggression is immoral. Organized defense, on the other hand, is key…

via Twitter for Android

@hrdng @mwilcox OK, are you saying Core doesn’t skip sig checks for blocks after the last checkpoint but before the minChainWork threshold?

via Twitter for Android in reply to hrdng

@BitcoinsSG @hrdng @mwilcox I believe that was in reference to current chain tip rather than checkpoints.

via Twitter for Android in reply to BitcoinsSG

@hrdng @mwilcox OK, this is news to me. I had several people review my security model article and no one has disput…

via Twitter for Android

@hrdng @mwilcox You lost me - are you disputing the soundness of skipping sig checks up to a given min chain work?

via Twitter for Android in reply to hrdng

@hrdng @mwilcox Both statements are correct - the former and ensures the latter. Core is moving away from checkpoin…

via Twitter for Android

@haq4good @mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala You mean a contract external to the blockchain’s operation? If so, you can s…

via Twitter Web Client

@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala Don’t believe me? Check the code yourself.

via Twitter Web Client

@mwilcox @_GIBUS_ @chaiwaala That’s not the argument. FYI, every Bitcoin implementation does this - it’s built in to the security model.

via Twitter for Android in reply to mwilcox

@coinut_exchange @juscamarena @TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg It’s cheaper to use your own database to track funds th…

via Twitter for Android

@TheRealXinxi @bitcoincoreorg @coinut_exchange Yes, if you want to purchase 2.5% of a Bitcoin block it will cost about that much.

via Twitter for Android in reply to TheRealXinxi