The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

April 13th, 2017

@masonic_tweets Nothing like a dose of perspective to ground wound up folks.

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RT @mikeinspace: …and now, a special message to the Bitcoin community from Jameson Lopp (@lopp). Everyone needs to hear this, in these un…

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@guruvan @clemensley You paid 181 satoshis per byte but there was a fee rate surge this afternoon that took rates o…

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@guruvan Hm, never tried to analyze that, though I’d be surprised if there was a difference… unless for some reas…

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Y’all have no clue how prevalent censorship is in the Bitcoin space. For example, I find myself forced to self censor every few minutes.

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@prestonjbyrne Is this a pegged 1:1 exchange rate? Do you have a reserve to maintain the peg?

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“Bitcoin rejects contentious changes by design.”
“Shut up! This change isn’t contentious!”

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readDanwrite love this quote from @aantonop via @coindesk.

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“I want to see [Bitcoin] in daily use by at least a billion people on-chain.” - Craig Wright 🤔

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@rogerkver The claim that second layer solutions require trusted third parties is an overreach.

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@GabrielDVine @MediumSqueeze The “unsubstantiated claim” and “misunderstanding how the system functions” kind.

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@dgenr818 @f2pool_wangchun @mdotbit @eric_lombrozo I’m asking a business owner to remember the source of his revenu…

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@m23mclaughlin If you can figure out a way to impose authority upon the entire ecosystem, then you have found a way to break Bitcoin.

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@m23mclaughlin You can moderate a code repository or a forum, but you can’t moderate the protocol itself; anyone is…

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@alansilbert @f2pool_wangchun @eric_lombrozo I think we should be cognizant of the fact that we don’t fully underst…

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@bigstoneBTC @f2pool_wangchun @eric_lombrozo The complication arises in whether or not the rest of the ecosystem mu…

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@bigstoneBTC @f2pool_wangchun @eric_lombrozo I think there is a misunderstanding, but Wang is technically correct -…

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@f2pool_wangchun @mdotbit @eric_lombrozo From your viewpoint, Wang, who pays you?

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@f2pool_wangchun @eric_lombrozo Developers can’t make miners run code they don’t want to run. But on the other hand…

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@f2pool_wangchun @MrHodl @eric_lombrozo I see. Do you agree that PoW doesn’t == the ability to choose the rules?

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@hakusaro @neha @TMobile @projectfi I’m not sure, but it’s probably safer.

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@f2pool_wangchun @eric_lombrozo I don’t think Core is willing to push anything unless they feel that the ecosystem…

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@eric_lombrozo @f2pool_wangchun Alright, but I follow people b/c I want to gain insight and understand them better.…

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@f2pool_wangchun I suspect you’re going to find it increasingly difficult to get people to take you seriously.

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@m23mclaughlin I pose to you that it’s technically impossible for there to be a head of bitcoin b/c there is no way…

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@MediumSqueeze @GabrielDVine If miners show us that they are no longer going to work to ensure the stability & secu…

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@MediumSqueeze @GabrielDVine I’m cringing at Vinay’s claim that Bitcoin is controlled by the Chinese govt.

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@alansilbert @rogerkver It’s not very nice to include “+ Blockstream” while excluding all the rest of the companies…

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@MediumSqueeze Sure, more decentralized mining is preferable. You might be interested in my own speculation here:

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@LaurentMT Because it’s not possible to know what’s rational for a given actor unless you know everything about them. Few do…

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@spudowiar Cobra is well aware of how a UASF functions; this is a political play b/c it’s about what @slushcz state…

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@MediumSqueeze I don’t think it’s possible to prevent industrial PoW mining; there will always be economies of scale that will be leveraged.

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While my understanding of Bitcoin is constantly evolving, my view that has changed the most over the years is that of the “rational miner.”

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