The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 15th, 2017

What would you prefer to read an article about?

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It’s time to stop making fallacious appeals to authority. Satoshi left and we have continued without him.

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@kristovatlas Actually, looks like @MicreeZ is on Twitter. Perhaps he can answer as to when we can expect Antpool to start mining with BU?

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@kristovatlas Which leads to the question: why isn’t Antpool mining with Bitcoin Unlimited?

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@el33th4xor @aegencer Looks good; your latency number of 110ms nearly matches my node’s ping stats (median of 109ms)

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RT @el33th4xor: Get your pitchforks and troll armies ready! We have a new post on the State of the Bitcoin Network.â…

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Fee rate threshold for highest paying 1MB of transactions in mempool, past month. Still some periods of slack; good…

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RT @EmergencyPuppy: You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existin…

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@PlatoWright It doesn’t work like that; the only thing preventing SegWit activation is mining hash power.

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_primes_ 342343

via primes/post_them (retweeted on 7:36 AM, Feb 15th, 2017 via Twitter Web Client)