The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

March 25th, 2015

@alansilbert @aantonop @ErikVoorhees Though you’ll need to do some config at your router if it doesn’t have UPnP enabled.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to lopp

@alansilbert @aantonop @ErikVoorhees They ought to have configured it to start bitcoind on boot, meaning all you need to do is plug it in.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to alansilbert

Hm… in the past 24 hours, 600+ new nodes came online with the user agent “/Satoshi:0.10.99/Gangnam Style:v4.01”

via Twitter Web Client

@ErikVoorhees I have one on the way as well - looking forward to comparing it to the @port8333 node hardware that should come out mid-2015.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to ErikVoorhees

@flyosity This guy just might be on to something…

via Twitter Web Client

long gone is the cash in the mattress
now it’s all tied up in hashes
wrapped up in encrypted batches
- @realytcracker

via Twitter Web Client