The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

February 11th, 2015

RT @mdotfallon: @lopp @mvlkm I didn’t agree at first but @mvlkm changed my mind with this Ƀ for bitcoin

via Twitter for Android

.@mvlkm discusses currency symbols and suggests that Bitcoin not steal the symbol for the Thai Baht :-)

via Twitter for Android

@cyberfundio 1000 bits to my 1000th follower via @changetip!

via Twitter Web Client

@NewbergNate I’ll be working remotely from NC and visiting Silicon Valley every few months.

via Twitter Web Client in reply to NewbergNate

@NewbergNate It’s a blast; I finally turned my passion into my profession!

via Twitter Web Client in reply to NewbergNate

.@BitGo and @_CFour_ are proud to jointly announce the release of the draft CryptoCurrency Security Standard.

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Are you a Mobile / Backend / Frontend / DevOps Engineer, Marketer, Controller, or InfoSec specialist? Message me!

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ofnumbers alleged original version of white paper: cc @gwern @SDLerner @petertoddbtc only 8 footnotes but incl W Dai

via Twitter for Android (retweeted on 2:32 PM, Feb 11th, 2015 via Twitter Web Client)

Local news just called PD’s license plate scanners a success b/c they were able to query historical data to find a missing person. :-|

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