The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

December 15th, 2014

On the bright side, only ~160 reachable nodes have been stuck at the same height past 24 hours, half @ genesis block.

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@fnxTX Yeah, I’ve had nodes get stuck in weird orphan block loops on several occasions and the only fix was to restart bitcoind.

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@fnxTX We know 16% are well behind the tip; the question is how many are stuck. The next step will be to measure velocity.

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Here’s a chart I whipped up to visualize the distribution of bitcoin node block heights:

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RT @adamludwin: Bitcoin apps will drive the price of BTC, but it will take time - it’s faster to place a trade than build an app:


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Oddly enough, this is not due to a ton of nodes being stuck at the genesis block; the block heights are fairly evenly distributed.

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16% of reachable bitcoin nodes are more than an hour behind the tip of the blockchain. Average node block height is 320,052 (2014-09-10)

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New @port8333 feature: realtime transactions that have propagated though over 50% of nodes

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Difficulty drops lead me to wonder: if mining is becoming unprofitable for more people, will they instead invest directly in BTC?

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Looks like Bitcoin’s mining network is still contracting and we’re on target for another 1% difficulty drop tomorrow.

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