The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 10th, 2017

Bitcoin isn’t antifragile when participants have skin in the game. It’s antifragile when participants have their souls in the game.

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@rjurney How to scale network throughput. Debates have been raging for years.

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@Chig_ Not if you’re securing any value greater than day to day spending money.

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@seweso @SDLerner No blame is being cast - I’m just saying the assumption that supporters would allow the chain to…

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@SDLerner I agree that you can’t kill a public blockchain so long as it has sufficient supporters ☺️

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@SDLerner I’m more referring to the idea that an industry coalition could make changes w/o consensus & kill origina…

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If the Bitcoin protocol can be captured by a group of industry interests, it can be captured by nation states.

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@gavinandresen And yet the chain split was not a technical result of the soft fork, but rather due to intentional e…

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If you’re confident that the incentives are aligned and power properly distributed in Bitcoin, there’s no need to m…

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@rjurney Crypto asset protocol forking philosophy 😊

via Twitter for Android in reply to rjurney