The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

August 8th, 2017

@paulvigna Isn’t @laurashin’s called “Unchained?” Pretty close…

via Twitter for Android in reply to paulvigna

Shower thought: Bitcoin implementation repo where all user activity is displayed as “Satoshi Nakamoto ___” a la 4chan. Pure meritocracy.

via Twitter for Android

@Melt_Dem @NeerajKA You should collaborate with @ztbrown - he knows how to run a fundraiser.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Melt_Dem

Liberty-enhancing code is preferably produced by unconstrained individuals. Commercial entities that create code are more easily regulated.

via Twitter for Android

@zooko So you’re saying that the bitcoin exchange rate will go up even faster?

via Twitter for Android in reply to zooko

coindesk The price of bitcoin just jumped more than $70 on the BPI after SegWit lock-in

via Buffer (retweeted on 3:46 PM, Aug 8th, 2017 via Twitter for Android)

@Di_Vegas @cryptoniya It doesn’t, in fact the optimal situation will be that no understanding of the protocol is required by end users.

via Twitter for Android in reply to Di_Vegas

@kristovatlas Multiple declarations about the future state of the network are being made, thus we should be able to…

via Twitter for Android

@CryptXO @kristovatlas 0 is going to be really hard to guarantee 😬

via Twitter for Android

@kristovatlas What fee rate is Tom promising will always result in a quick confirmation?

via Twitter for Android

Crypto assets are cutting edge tech, but typical startup cowboy coding will just get you rekt.

via Twitter for Android