The below is an off-site archive of all tweets posted by @lopp ever

November 5th, 2015

Malevolent Malleability: my perspective on the state of the Bitcoin network with regard to transaction malleability.

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RT @bendavenport: I’m doing an AMA right now on — ask me anything!

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Today the US Marshals Service will exchange the last tranches of stolen sound money that it holds in return for dollar tokens.

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@flyosity @hellyeahdude Trading bitcoins short term is a great way to lose your bitcoins; as an investment I’d hold for 5-10 years.

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Congratulations to Andreas @schildbach on becoming the new maintainer of BitcoinJ!

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@jgarzik Be that as it may, /r/bitcoinxt will be whatever people make of it - I’m not going to try to shift it in any direction.

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RT @jgarzik: Irony. Discussion of this tweet reach r/bitcoin front page before being disappeared by moderators.

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