Hello everyone, welcome to the panel exploring crypto sovereignty When I heard I was gonna do this panel got that I got to moderate this panel got really excited because we have in our company three very early Bitcoin adopters from North America We have Jameson Lopp co-founder of Casa. He's a prolific cypherpunk writer and researcher and he's also the editor of a web page that you can find at Bitcoin page And I always recommend it to people because it has links to so many great resources We also have Bruce Fenton who's managing director of chainstone labs He's founder of an annual gathering called this Satoshi roundtable with some of the smartest Bitcoin entrepreneurs He's been doing it since 2014. I was lucky enough to attend some of the early meetings He's also a licensed broker dealer and then we have Erik Cason who's a very early employee at Coinbase and He also worked at unchained from Texas and he's author of the book crypto sovereignty, which you can buy here at the conference I don't know if you're still signing books. Yeah, I got four left. Oh, all right. So yeah, just to kick off this panel, I thought I would I would ask our panelists, you know What is crypto sovereignty and what does it mean to you personally? the way I understand it is that crypto means I keep a secret and then sovereignty means something like the authority of a person to govern themselves And so how do those two link together for you? And yeah, what is crypto sovereignty mean? Jameson well, you know, I think one of the amazing things that we've managed to build with the Bitcoin protocol is the ability to invert governance instead of creating a top-down hierarchical controlled organization We have now created this organic bottom-up, you know emergent consensus whereby any of us who care to do so can participate in the governance of Bitcoin the network and the protocol by running the software by validating the ledger by enforcing the rules to which we agree and you know rather than democracy or voting or some other way of trying to decide that a majority or a certain percentage Gets to overrule the rest of the others when it comes to governing the system and deciding the rules This is crypto anarchy and and essentially we are each sovereign unto ourselves But there's an interesting dichotomy that we'll get into with regard to the rest of the ecosystem And you know how we connect to each other and create this thing that we call Bitcoin Bruce well, that's a hard answer to to top that pretty much covers it You know, I think the importance of what you you know What you said you said privacy crypto is privacy and and the cyberpunk manifesto, which I think everybody should read often It's only like a page and a half. It's short and it's it's you know word-for-word It's probably one of the more influential pieces of of writing out there and and it mentions privacy more than anything and I think that there's a big connection that a lot of people in the regular world don't see between privacy and control You know because if you have the ability I see them as kind of linked and they're very linked in crypto If you have control of your own private keys, you have control of your own Financial sovereignty and I think that the you know, private privacy is so you know washed away in today's world with with banking regulations and AML KYC and all of these kind of things that That we really just don't need that don't make a lot of sense And I think that you know, I can't be underestimated, you know, how? You know how key that is to the you know, you know to to each individual sovereignty Yeah, like the flip side of like oh, but if you have nothing to hide You shouldn't be afraid is we can take from you whatever we want whenever we want to so yeah There is a scary counterpart that a lot of people I think don't recognize Eric what's what's I mean your book is called crypto sovereignty. So maybe I'm putting a lot of pressure on you right now, but But what does it mean to you? Well, I chose the word specifically because there's more than one meaning to it and so as Jameson said earlier that it's really this understanding that we can invert the systems of power and that we can use Cryptography in order to power a totally new sort of system that we're actually building with Bitcoin but even more importantly sort of hidden in the idea of sovereignty in itself as you start to explore what Cryptography is and the opportunities that cryptography can provide You actually found that there there's a type of individual sovereignty that can give you deep Empowerment against a world that does want to know everything about you does want to see everything and if you are quote Hiding something and it's very important to understand that This new radical world that we live in where we're being surveilled almost at every single point in our lives We do have a methodology that we can actually counter that and we're slowly starting to build that together and as we build that to become Bigger and bigger. It's not only going to create in my opinion a new sort of form of organization for the world order But we're also going to find much deeper personal sovereignty in terms of what we choose to expose to the world or keep private for Own reasons, right? Yeah, you you put it really well in your book. I think where you say Bitcoin offers a messianic promise in our nihilistic world and that is the promise that yours is yours and that it is secured by the truth of Cryptography and the promise it must always contain. I really like that So I wanted to ask to all you because Jameson you mentioned to me when I was like asking Asking you like what are some of the cypherpunks writings that inspired you? You said like yeah, well, there's a lot there obviously But we also have to think about how to extend these ideas into the future And so I want to ask to all you like what are some of these these values of course, you know privacy being one of them But maybe others too that you share with the cypherpunks and how would you like to see these extended? Like where do you feel like things need to go for us to defend sovereignty in this this modern digital world? Jameson, I mean a lot of it comes down to property rights, but I think that's one of the reasons that Bitcoin works. So well is that we we can generally agree that you know he who owns the keys controls the coins. It can get a lot more technical and nuanced than that but you do to the the game theory and really the Fact that so many people are enforcing of the fundamental rule around that it it's Not completely impossible, but highly implausible that you the rest of the system the you know Bitcoin society as it were is not going to turn on you and you know revoke those property rights from you because it's It's not in their best wishes to do so because they know that that could then happen to them. So, you know, I really like the the meme I think Michael Goldstein used it was a reservoir dogs. We're like Mexican standoff. Everybody's armed and everybody's watching everybody. Everybody's pointing a gun at everybody else and we're actually all safer as a result Yeah, and the cool thing is like we don't need to be friends, right? We just have to kind of you do you me do me and and just respect that basic idea of like yeah We can agree to disagree Mmm, Bruce. What's your take on where things need to go? Yeah, I think we need to push exactly that mindset. It has to be a mindset shift because the the tyrants out there don't have this mindset and they control the media and they push These very damaging and harmful ideas on the people, you know Augustin Carstens who's the sort of king of the central banks? He's the banker of the bankers and he had a quote a while ago. He said, you know in favor of CBDC's He says we don't know where a hundred dollar bill goes right now. And my reaction is Dude, why should you know? It's none of your business It's none of your business what I do with my hundred dollars and from all of economic history right here in this city Hundreds of years ago you could walk right down the street and you could buy stocks with gold the very first stock that was ever created and and they didn't have these kind of rules and It's not their business. And the idea that it is is just deeply fundamentally broken. So we need a mindset a mind shift for individuals to realize that this is a human right privacy is a human right you have a right to you earned your money you have A right to do whatever you want with it, and it's not government's business at all We don't need any AML any KYC any visibility whatsoever at all. We must push against that and and completely reject it. Eric I'd actually take a dark take on what you just said and I'd say it absolutely is their business and their entire business It's knowing and seeing what you're doing just deal And to make reasons to steal from you and one of the things that really blew my mind when I started exploring this was I realized It what bitcoins offering it's not saying hey if you secure your private keys We will give you access networks that we have to and that there's a strong demarcation line of it's not that I can't It's not that I want to steal your Bitcoin and I could it's that I fundamentally can't and to me that particularly in our world of modernity like this actually becomes something that changes our relationships to humans now because Particularly with the conflicts that are going on the world today I can send Bitcoin directly to anybody Immediately right now in whatever need they have so long as they can get an internet connection somewhere and particularly if people are fleeing from Endemic violence war and other things that are occurring in the world today like this becomes a rescuing object that can actually Give them a lifeline to get out of these conflicts and situations And just to relate back to your earlier point to me one of the the most important cypherpunk documents is the declaration of independence Of cyberspace and to me like this specifically is a document that reserves for us saying hey This is a tool that we built for you It provides new powers and sovereignty and furthermore your government doesn't understand it and wants to control because it terrifies them because they know and understand that this Radically challenges their power in a way that they've never faced in all of human history And I think as people that are now existing within this world where they do want to see everything They want to make literal exploitation part of their business model We have to stand up and fight back and say not only do we not want to do this it is both illegal and Unconstitutional and we refuse to comply with these idiotic orders that are destroying frankly society on a whole today. I'm imagining someone listening to this who says this sounds great, and I'm excited to hear it, but I'm Working 10 11 hours a day I'm struggling What's in it for me and my family if you know if I become a node in this network or kind of contribute to these cypherpunk values? Ultimately what's in it for me and my family and my community? Yeah, I mean, it's network effects you know the more people who join the stronger the network becomes you know I think a big part of The reason why these systems work, and this is a cypherpunk Value is that we understand that code that is widely dispersed You know software that is running on tens or hundreds of thousands of machines all around the world in many different jurisdictions Cannot be shut down There is at least as of today no one world government, and we can use that to our advantage we also should understand that while governments can portray themselves as having Massive amounts of power and they certainly do in certain cases The people are far more powerful than the government's the problem that I believe society has had for pretty much all of human history and organization is that it has been collectively very difficult for the individuals to come together and To to fight against a government that is actually much weaker than the individuals in aggregate but the great thing about cryptography about writing these new protocols is that they enable a new level of communication and Coordination amongst people all over the world regardless of what language we speak We are essentially saying we are now speaking this one common language and it doesn't matter if the government wants to stop us they cannot silence us because we're using math and You can't fight math And so it's what you're saying. Also that there's a two sides to the same coin. We're you know taking back this power The flip side of that is at the same time. You're just taking back your own property like you become Master of your own future more is that also what you're saying? Yeah, and I mean, I'm even I'm even seeing this as you know, we are creating new opt-in voluntary societies It's an amazing thing Because I often think of cyberspace versus meatspace and meatspace You know governments have this monopoly of violence and power but only within their specific meatspace Jurisdiction we are operating in cyberspace and we reject the meatspace powers They can try as much as they want, you know to control our physical bodies But they can't control how we communicate and coordinate with each other You're here. Well said Bruce. yeah, I mean it's like Jameson said, you know that The mass of people should have the power and do have the power and have more power than the tyrants who currently Exercise power over us and the more people that participate running nodes and think even if you feel like you don't need to The more people that participate the more it becomes a thing. It's it's like the you know, it's like the bicycles here in in Amsterdam It's it's really cool to see people commuting Hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of bicycles outside my hotel in the morning and you see them all over the streets You know locked up and that's not practical in like San Francisco Your bike would get stolen and they don't have the trails and things like that But once you have a critical mass you change society for the better And I think everybody would agree that all these bicycles are better than not having the bicycles But why don't other cities have it you need that critical mass and it's the same with money we need to opt out of this tyrant money the broken filthy fiat and have a money that we control and that It causes all kinds of additional benefits to society Almost any problem you can think of somehow relates to the printing of fiat And almost everything you good you can think of in the world comes from voluntary interaction. So everybody participating in the network We're just moving towards as simple and corny as it sounds. The reason is it makes it a better world it's so interesting you bring up the example of the bicycles because If I'm if I remember right the the critical mass of adoption in the Netherlands as far as bicycle adoption was achieved During the occupation in the wartime when when there was a huge crisis, then there are very little Means available and so people went back to the basics. And so maybe that's a you know, a little Foretelling of how Bitcoin is going to be widely adopted Eric yeah on that same points I think it's really important to understand that like one of the primary mechanisms where our government is very powerful is through their methods and modes of propaganda and That's been one of the things that I've very much had people Maintain this division between were national identities that our politics are right left that we have to fight each other for control And I don't believe that's true at all. I think it's much more of a split this way I think all people everywhere have much more to gain with working with each other and the recognition that The tyranny of the United States government is much similar to the tyranny of say the European banking system and that they both have fundamental exploitative visions to steal from their citizens under the guise of saying hey This is for good stuff. And for me one of the primary reasons I got into Bitcoin It was I'm an anti-war activist and I felt very angry that my money was taken for me to go make war against people that I had never met before and Now with Bitcoin if I choose to put my wealth into Bitcoin there is at least a module of general resistance that I can have towards that and On the critical mass note as more and more people start to understand Hey Bitcoin can really help us in these terms and circumstances and very similar to the war note that like With inflation being endemic a lot of people need to escape from this. My hope is as they escape They'll start to use Bitcoin and they'll go. Hey, it turns out that this is actually a much better money and moving forward We'll actually start to design more and more systems to be valuable to other people so they can choose to opt out and that we Can choose to build the circular economies together that will allow for us to have a much more successful and robust Society where our values are much closely aligned with each other than rather with our own governments Yeah, that actually leads me into my next question You know 75 years ago this place where we sit was occupied territory during the Second World War And so I was wondering like what are your thoughts on God forbid, of course, but if another war broke out in Western Europe Some of these tech technological tools that we're talking about some of these networks Would it make things differently today? Like if that broke out like would it give people different tools different options? And yeah, what are your thoughts? Well, it's far more difficult to control the flow of information these days Information wants to be free. You can of course go the China route and try to have a great firewall But even that is not going to be 100% Perfect at stopping everything that they want to control the amazing thing about the Internet and and even about Bitcoin You know in order now to economically interact with people We only need to be able to send, you know A kilobyte of data somehow and while most people who are using Bitcoin are doing that through the Internet That is by no means the only option we have people who have transmitted Bitcoin transactions, you know via radio waves and basically ping them off the ionosphere Sent them, you know to someone thousands of miles away. This is the level of freedom that This communication enables for us like there is no government or physical power in the world that can you block? the exchange of data at that scale So you're saying basically like propaganda would be less efficient and also people would be able to hold on to their savings more There will definitely still be propaganda and you know, that's a whole other issue but you know if you want to call it the truth or you want to call it, you know, the Free exchange of ideas and interaction that is something that is much more difficult For governments to control with today's technology. Got it, Bruce Yeah, I mean now all the the tools are great and can definitely help a lot The key is in times of war Tragically, you know people are totally focused on their own survival and it's a hard time to adapt, you know new tools You have to make it easier, which is all the more reason we need to build now You know, you don't want to be teaching somebody in a war zone. Hey, here's this new thing It's called Internet money and blah blah blah. You want them to already know how to use it and everything So I think it's key to you know, move fast so that we can keep ahead of this and and hopefully You know if there is crisis and there is crisis is in the world. Hopefully people will look to this technology Yeah, I mean if we go back to 1913 in Sarajevo and you're like, hey this this place is about to go down real bad Most people be like, I I just don't see it that way life's pretty good trades high. I can't foresee that Year later, you know the full-on World War one is happening And I think it's very important to understand that such circumstances are starting to threaten Western Europe to this day And I think it's very important that not only do you teach yourself the mechanics of how Bitcoin works right now But also other technologies like PGP technology because like if you have a government surveilling you who wants to stop you It's very important that you can have end-to-end encryption and know through the protocols directly that those things can offer Protection and then furthermore there becomes a much greater ability for you to then transact and you know What would be black markets under these conditions like if you can't buy fuel anywhere and you need to flee the country in your vehicle? Well, hopefully you'll have some Bitcoin on you and you'll say look I'm more than happy to pay you 10 euros a liter to get a little bit of gas here so I can get out But to me, it's very important that like if you're in the conditions of war it yeah That's not the time for you to start learning these new tools because you need to be the anchor for your community that understands this So when this crisis does happen you can help everyone that you can and I think it's very important that everybody in the audience Here understands like you're part of the individuals that understand the importance of this Technology and you need to give this to your community not because of number go up But so that government cannot imprison you when that's what they want to do Yeah in the in the practical sense like since you know the the Ukraine invasion like we've all read direct stories of Bitcoin errs in Ukraine who used Bitcoin to to get out or like look after their families like this is very real like this is real real Technology. Well, we've seen multiple examples of the traditional financial system those rails being cut Yeah, you know that is one of the first things that that gets Taken down is in war, you know, you want to cut off the access of your enemies to as much resources as possible But we still see, you know people being able to donate Bitcoin and to use cryptography to to basically bypass those restrictions Yep, we have three minutes left. So just some rapid-fire questions Jameson imagine you have a million people around Europe who want to know, you know, how to what they can do specifically They have four hours available for you every year and they're gonna do whatever you tell them to do to you know, become a node in the network What would you tell them to do and their budget is 500 bucks? 500 bucks. Yeah, buy a cheap laptop for probably 150 200 bucks. That'll be your your best bang for your performance to be able to actually run the software and then of course go to Bitcoin page and just go to the Running a node page and that you'll get all of the instructions you need To you know in a matter of clicks, it's all there. Awesome. Awesome Bruce somebody a European comes to you and wants to participate in an election campaign on a Bitcoin ticket He's in the elevator with you. You have 30 seconds. What are your recommendations to them? Well, you know I ran for Senate in the US last year I didn't mention Bitcoin too much Bitcoin has a a mixed brand among the general public A lot of people are still, you know, 10 years behind on it So I spoke mostly about money first and the problems with the broken money system And then you know what I said at the you know when I was at this same conference in Miami Right after I announced I was running I said if you really want to help don't don't be a politician or donate to the politicians Take your five or ten or fifty dollars and buy more Bitcoin Because opting out is the best way to starve the beast and and starve the tyrants Awesome Eric last minute here. What is I mean you just written a book but still what is another book you would like someone to write in the sphere of Cypherpunk thinking or what's a college course that you would love to see someone teach Bigger than a college course. I would actually love to see sort of a Bitcoin focused university That's going to have all the cross-disciplinary education going on from art to literature to cryptography Computer science to sociology and philosophy and then get to kind of have all the cross-disciplinary Pollination happen there because I truly think that it is the exchange of ideas Not just in our fields of interest but across the way that we'll sort of get the most fruitful pollination and Really start producing some really wild and interesting content that will help shift and push the culture forward in a way that I think would be Very important and powerful. So that's something that I would love to see Erik Bruce Jameson, I thought this was riveting. Please give it up for our panelists!